What does Your Red Door Tell People about You?

You may paint your front door red because it is your favorite color. Perhaps it coordinates with the color of the shutters or matches flowers planted near the door. Sometimes you want a contrast to the surrounding structure. But why red?


The color of your front door can tell a great deal about you. According to e-How Color Theory and Psychology, physiologically and psychologically the color red stimulates the body and energizes the mind.


In western culture, it is associated with action and danger, as well as warmth, love, and passion.



Illustration 5 pictures a 9 panel door featuring a bold "No. 103" and a decorative grapevine wreath.

Illustration 5


1 Found on flickr by John Goulart, Jr

2 Found on flickr by Zagreusfm

3 Found on flickr by Eunice Fraga

4 Found on flickr by Mine Beyaz

5 Found on Between Weekdays by Katie

6 Found on flickr by Imkir Honig

7 Found on flickr by Joao Leitao

8 Found on flickr by Wayne Gooden
